- This MSc offers students the opportunity to extend their understanding of key areas in physiotherapy, including challenging the foundations of established but poorly justified treatments, developing and undertaking clinical research and practice, learning about new and emerging treatment options. Students will also benefit from the mentorship of recognized experts in pediatric physiotherapy.
- Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits.
- The program consists of five compulsory modules (75 credits), three optional modules (45 credits), and the research dissertation (60 credits).
- A Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits, full-time 12 months, flexible 2-5 years) is offered.
- A Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits, part-time 12 months) is offered. Students take 60 credits of core modules.
- Upon successful completion of 180 credits, students will be awarded an MSc in Advanced Physiotherapy: Paediatrics.