• Students are taught the conceptual frameworks, interdisciplinary evidence, and policy-making tools and analytical methods to develop innovative science and engineering policies. Students also study how policies are implemented, and evidence generated and governed to support appraisal and evaluation. A focus on leading effective change and the development of professional policy skills is emphasized throughout. Students also gain insights from policy practitioners, industry experts, and UCL researchers.
  • Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits.
  • The program consists of eight 15 credit modules (five of which are common across the MPA suite of programs, two are route-specific and one is an elective choice from any other STEaPP module).
  • Students may choose either an MPA Individual Project or the MPA Group Project as their final 60 credit module.
  • Upon successful completion of 180 credits, students will be awarded an MPA in Science, Engineering, and Public Policy.