- The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) consists of a piece of supervised research, normally undertaken over a period of three years full-time. Assessment is by means of a thesis, which should demonstrate students' capacity to pursue original research based upon a good understanding of the research techniques and concepts appropriate to the discipline.
- Initially, students will be registered for the MPhil degree. If they wish to proceed to a Ph.D., they will be required to pass an 'Upgrade' assessment. The purpose of the upgrade is to assess their progress and ability to complete the Ph.D. program to a good standard and in a reasonable time frame. It is expected that a full-time student will attempt an upgrade within 18 months of registration.
- Architectural Design thesis submissions combine a design project and a text of around 60,000 words.
- All students have the option of auditing modules from Architectural History MA, led by Professor Peg Rawes.