• In Year 1, the module introduces the French legal system and core concepts of Constitutional Law.  In Year 2, topics include French Contract and Tort Law.
  • The third year of study is spent abroad at Paris II Panthéon-Assas. The typical program of study for this year leads to a “Certificat supérieur de Droit français et européen” and comprises two full-year courses plus six one-semester courses in Civil/Private Law, Public Law and other optional courses in French Law.
  • Students who have the requisite level in French and French Law may also apply to undertake more courses during their year abroad to gain a license 3 qualification in addition to their LLB (subject to approval by UCL Laws).
  • Students will return to UCL in the Final Year and will choose 120 credits from a list of optional modules. One of them could be a research essay on a legal subject of their choice, subject to approval by the department. Subject to availability and approval, it may also be possible to take up to 30 credits from modules outside of Laws in place of a Laws module.
  • Upon successful completion of 360 credits, students will be awarded an LLB (Hons) in Law with French Law.