• The program offers the option of studying a three-year Biomedical Engineering BEng or a more in-depth four-year Biomedical Engineering MEng program. The first two years of study for both programs are identical and transfer between the two is possible up to the end of the second year. 
  • In the first year, the students will receive an introduction to biomedical engineering, including electronics and mechanics, with mathematical modeling and analysis, which are needed to design and develop complex medical technologies.
  • In year two, students will build upon the skills and knowledge that have already gained and take modules in areas of biomedical engineering such as anatomy and physiology, physics, and biomechanics. They will also select an optional minor from a range offered across UCL Engineering and beyond, including programming, entrepreneurship, or a foreign language.
  • In the third-year students will study further modules from biomedical engineering and from their optional minor stream, and undertake a major project linked to research strengths across UCL Engineering and UCL’s substantial healthcare partners.