The Biomedical Science programme is offered by Saint George's University of London.

  • Shared campus with one of the largest teaching hospitals in the UK, with involvement of clinical staff in teaching, and opportunities for work experience in NHS laboratories
  • Many students progress onto further study in scientific research or medicine
  • Teaching is informed by the latest research and the course is designed to evolve with current practice
  • Learn anatomy through demonstrator-led whole body prosection
  • As part of your intensive research project you will work with professional research groups investigating real medical and health problems and learning how biomedical research makes a difference to lives
  • Opportunity for final year study in European institutes, as part of the Erasmus scheme
  • Dedicated focus on acquiring first rate biomedical research skills honed through research project and specific modules
  • Careers advice embedded into teaching
  • Curriculum with integration of learning development
  • Option of Professional Training Year between years 2 and 3; in industry, research or NHS laboratories

The MSci Biomedical Science will provide enhanced experience and skills transferable to employment or further study, equipping students to apply for PhD courses or research posts in industry. In addition, the generalist research skills gained, in addition to the advanced science, will be advantageous for many non-science careers.

The Biomedical Science MSci is subject to re-accreditation by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS). This ensures that the academic content of the course meets the standards of proficiency for the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). The HCPC regulates standards for a variety of health professions, including that of Biomedical Scientist. Registration with the HCPC requires additional postgraduate experience in an appropriate lab environment.