The Medicine programme offered by St George's, University of London. Students who complete the course are awarded a primary medical qualification called the MBBS and are then eligible to undertake the General Medical Council Foundation Programme. If you have previously studied at university then unfortunately you would be ineligible to apply for this course - you can only apply for ourÊGraduate Entry Medicine programme.


  • Shared campus with one of the largest teaching hospitals in the UK
  • Learn anatomy through demonstrator-led whole body prosection
  • Patient-focused education with a strong emphasis on communicating with patients from a range of backgrounds
  • Two opportunities to undertake student selected component (SSC) of study on areas of interest to you
  • Interprofessional education: Learning opportunities exist for our students to learn alongside one another (interprofessional learning) reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of healthcare workplace environment
  • Careers advice embedded into our teaching
  • Opportunities to intercalate and extend your knowledge and obtain a iBSc in a variety of subjects
  • Teaching is informed by our world class research which informs practice
  • Many lecturers are working clinicians


A medical qualification from St GeorgeÕs is quality-assured and recognised internationally. With our MBBS you willÊbe perfectly placed to contribute to the ongoing development of medicine and healthcare provision globally.

Through an integrated study programme of medical sciences and clinical sciences, graduates are fully equipped to perform well in theÊGMC Foundation ProgrammeÊand further develop the essential knowledge and competencies needed to pursue a specialist discipline. The majority of our MBBS graduates choose to remain in the south London area, and to complete their two-yearÊFoundation ProgrammeÊat one of our affiliated healthcare trusts.

At the end of the undergraduate course you will receive your MBBS degree, which is a primary medical qualification (PMQ). Holding a PMQ entitles you to provisional registration with the General Medical Council, subject only to its acceptance that there are no fitness to practise concerns. Provisionally registered doctors can only practise in approved foundation yearÊone posts; the law does not allow provisionally registered doctors to undertake any other type of work.