The content of the programme at reflects the increasing importance of genomics and molecular techniques in both diagnostics and the study of pathogenesis.

In response to a high level of student interest in viral infections, the School has decided to offer the opportunity for students who focus on viruses in their module and project choices to be awarded a Master's degree in Medical Microbiology (Virology).Ê

This choice will depend on the module selection of the individual student in Terms 2 and 3 and choice of project.


By the end of the programme students should be able to:

  • demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the nature of viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi and basic criteria used in the classification/taxonomy of these micro-organisms
  • explain the modes of transmission and the growth cycles of pathogenic micro-organisms
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis and the outcomes of infections
  • distinguish between and critically assess the classical and modern approaches to the development of therapeutic agents and vaccines for the prevention of human microbial diseases
  • demonstrate knowledge of the laboratory diagnosis of microbial diseases and practical skills
  • carry out a range of advanced skills and laboratory techniques, including the purification of isolated microbial pathogens, study of microbial growth cycles and analyses of their proteins and nucleic acids for downstream applicationsÊdemonstrate research skills


Graduates from this programme move into global health careers related to medical microbiology in operational control programmes, applied basic research, academic fields, in medical establishments and in the pharmaceutical industry.Ê

Below you will find just a few of the positions and organisations that our graduates from this course have entered:

Job Titles

  • Clinical Trials Administrator
  • Demonstrator
  • Head of Public Health
  • Healthcare Scientist
  • Laboratory Analyst
  • Lecturer
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant
  • Research Officer
  • Teacher
  • Associate Healthcare Scientist
  • Doctor
  • Microbiology Laboratory Technician

OpenÊDay 2019

At LSHTM, we attract students who have a real passion for what they do, which makes for a stimulating environment in which to study.ÊOur open day covers master's degrees, distance learning programmes, short courses as well as introductory talks, tours of the building, and the chance to meet with programme directors and current students.

ComeÊand see what studying at LSHTM is really like. Feb 13th, 1-5pm 2019. Register now: