Companies such as Netflix, Airbnb, and Tesla have one thing in common: they break with the norms of existing markets and employ unconventional, technology-drivenÊmarketing approaches. Traditional marketing education all too often neglects the marketing abilities that these companies possess.Ê

The programme offered by the Goldsmiths, University of LondonÊdeparts from the rather passive marketing logic that assumes markets and marketing channels are fixed features of reality. Instead, it shows how managers can proactively shape and create new markets and marketing landscapes.

The goal of this programme is to transform students into uniquely-trained individuals who understand how to leverage emerging technologies, such as 3D printing, Virtual Reality, and the Internet of Things, to design unique customer experiences, disrupt existing markets, and create entirely new ones.

The programme will direct studentsÕ attention to significant and emerging technological trends, and show how they can address important social and environmental problems.

It seeks to enable students to discover new market opportunities that will have a positive impact on the economy, society, and the environment. Students will be equipped with the skills required to effectively navigate todayÕs technology-dominated marketing environments, and they will learn how to be successful marketers in the digital marketing era.Ê


Companies across many industries have to cope with increasingly technology-dominated marketing environments. This programme is a response to the marketing needs of such companies. Also, entrepreneurial, technology-based firms will value the skills provided by this programme. Typical jobs include, but are not limited to, the positions of marketing manager, product manager, brand manager, advertising manager, PR manager, media manager, digital communications manager, account manager, marketing strategist, marketing analyst, marketing consultant, or sales manager.