Medical Imaging is an essential component of modern medicine, playing a key role in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease. The Medical Imaging MSc at the University of Leeds covers:

  • the basic physics involved in the different imaging techniques
  • image formation, pattern recognition and applications in the field of radiology
  • current issues in a modern UK NHS radiology department.

Whilst not a clinical skills course, the teaching of the technical aspects of imaging techniques is firmly grounded and in their clinical usage. Many of our lecturers are at the forefront of research in their field and bring insights from emerging imaging techniques.

Through the programme youÕll become familiar with the range of clinical imaging techniques. By the end of it you should be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the physical and mathematical aspects of image formation of several techniques;
  • Identify the anatomical and physiological properties of tissue associated with image formation and contrast for several techniques;
  • Analyse and compare the technical performance of various modalities;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the clinical applications of each technique, the variables involved and how they can be compared;
  • Critically analyse the optimisation of combinations of imaging modalities for specific patient groups;
  • Analyse the equipment and staff management issues associated with the use of modern technology in modern clinical practice;
  • Apply IT in literature searching, analysis and display of data, and report writing to enhance lifelong learning in medical imaging;
  • Demonstrate enhancement of their professional skills in communication, problem-solving, learning effectively and quickly, and effective self-management;
  • Critically evaluate relevant published work, demonstrating an understanding of the underpinning principles of statistics, project design and data analysis;
  • Plan and implement a research project.