• Gain a wide range of skills on this exciting Joint Honours degree, which gives students in depth understanding of economic issues in business, society and public life as well as asking important questions about how we see and understand the world.
  • Students will explore economic theory and approaches through core modules, as well as learning how to think clearly and construct effective arguments.
  • Students will learn about logic, ethics, the mind and reality as well as macro- and microeconomics. However, they will then develop this knowledge through their choice from a wide range of optional modules, which allow them to specialise in topics that appeal to them.
  • Philosophy of politics, science, language, religion, ethics and the mind, and thinkers such as Hume and Nietzsche are among the topics students could study, alongside economic development, international trade, public enterprise or the economics of work and labour. It’s a great way to broaden their horizons and discover two different but connected disciplines.