YouÕll gain in-depth understanding of markets and how they work, and will be introduced to many theories, tools and techniques that firms can use to connect with and shape those markets. YouÕll also learn what firms can do to uncover new and emerging consumer practices that may offer potential for creating new markets.The emphasis throughout is on the relationship between theory and practice, and youÕll constantly be challenged to reflect on how the ideas you encounter translate to real-world settings.Through international cases, simulations and projects, youÕll be exposed to many different marketing contexts Ð culminating in the Marketing ÔDeep Dive DissertationÕ in the final term. Here you work in collaboration with external clients to explore solutions to a current and perplexing problem and will present and develop your findings throughout the dissertation period.The programme has been approved and accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and you will benefit from the prestigious CIM Graduate Gateway.