The Êprogramme offered by the Êis one of a suite of 5 focused MSc courses in marine science run within the School housed in a fully serviced and dedicated postgraduate suite.Ê

The MSc course is managed by a course team comprising ofÊDr Ian McCarthyÊ(Course Director),ÊDr Luis GimenezÊ(Deputy Course Director) andÊChris WhiteÊPostgraduate Course Administrator.Ê

The School has 30 academics teaching and researching across the marine science disciplines of Marine Biology, Biogeochemistry, Physical Oceanography and Geological Oceanography with 24 technical and administrative support staff. Teaching on the MSc Marine Biology is provided 'in house' by School academic staff in the main, with additional teaching provided from the University's School of Biological Sciences the National Museum of Wales and by guest lecturers.


Graduates of our Biological MScs have taken up the following career paths in recent years:

  • Public Sector, e.g. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Waterways Board, County Councils,ÊFisheries Protection Committee, National Rivers Authority/Environment Agency, EEC Environmental Commission.
  • Private Sector, e.g. Aquatic consultancies specialising in survey and environmental impact assessment, aquaculture, oil industry, mining, instrument development, informatics and computing.
  • Voluntary organisations such as World Wide Fund for Nature, Greenpeace, Wildlife Trusts, RSPCA, Royal Geographical Society.
  • Higher Education and Research, e.g. Doctorate Research, Research Assistants.
  • Overseas students return to comparable posts overseas.
  • UK students employed overseas in comparable posts.