The main educational aims of the programme include

  • To provide candidates with postgraduate level knowledge and skills in the area of national (UK and Irish), European and International (WTO, World Bank and UNCITRAL) Public Procurement Law and Strategy.
  • To build up specialist legal skills and knowledge to equip candidates to operate in the interface between legal principles that apply in the Public Procurement environment and the strategic objectives of interests to organisations in the public and private sectors.
  • To provide a flexible programme enabling candidates to develop national, european and international perspectives on Public Procurement law issues and practice, which will open up a whole new area of opportunity for graduates.

A strategic element of the programmes is the presentation of learning from the perspectives of both the public procurement function and private sector supplier organisations, to help advance understanding of the complex issues organisations involved in public sector tendering face, and to develop more creative legally compliant public procurement solutions.

This is achieved through carefully designed module options and collaborative teaching involving the use of academic and expert procurement law and strategy specialists.

Bangor University is a GOLD STAR UK University (highest rating possible), as ranked in the 2018 UK GovernmentÕs Teaching Excellence Framework, which awarded Bangor GOLD STAR status for Teaching Excellence, placing it in the top tier of UK Universities for teaching excellence.

Bangor Law School, which houses the famed Institute for Competition & Procurement Studies, home to the Procurement Masters programme, is the no.1 ranked Law School in Wales (Guardian 2018 rankings, ranking Bangor in the Top 25 UK Law Schools).

The work of the Institute for Competition & Procurement Studies has been recognised both nationally and internationally by industry bodies and Governments: every year the Institute attracts top names from around the globe to speak at its unique Procurement Week conference.

The Institute is also a major player in the international applied procurement research field, being either a lead partner or co-partner in many European or global procurement research initiatives.

The Public Procurement Law and Strategy programme is offered at Bangor University.