The Chemistry (MChem) programme is offered at the Bangor University.

Our new 5 year MChem programme builds on the rigour of the 4 year course by offering students an industrial placement in their third year and is aimed at our top-tier graduates looking for a job in the industrial sector. This programme is recognised Europe-wide, being compliant with the Bologna agreement for European degrees and is one of very few such compliant programmes available in England and Wales. MChem graduates are highly sought after by sectors such as the pharmaceutical industry, fine chemicals research, government fast-track schemes and the degree can be used as a platform into business, law or teaching.

Why choose Bangor for this course?

  • The School of Chemistry offers individual attention in a caring and friendly environment and have all the equipment and instrumental resources of larger Schools.
  • We have excellent links with local and European companies, including the Pharmaceutical and Fine Chemicals sector.
  • Chemistry at Bangor has a vibrant research programme including advanced materials, catalysis, electrochemistry, environmental chemistry, computational chemistry, biological chemistry and organic synthesis.
  • We offer several Chemistry scholarships along with a number of bursaries (details sent on application).