On beginning the PhD programme, a supervisory committee will be set up for each student consisting of the Director of Graduate Studies as chair, the student's main supervisor and a second supervisor. Where the Director of Graduate Studies is the main supervisor, the Head of School will act as chair.

By week 6 of the first semester after the student's registration, this committee will have produced a written document for the student's file, outlining work which the student is expected to have completed by the end of the first year (two years in the case of part-time students), such as a review of the literature on their chosen topic, and a report on their pilot study. The document will include recommendations for any linguistics or research training modules to be attended during the year.

The student should see their main supervisor regularly, as agreed by student and supervisor.

By week 5 of the second semester after registration (fourth in the case of part-time students) the student should submit a draft thesis chapter and a detailed thesis proposal/outline to their supervisory committee. This work will be discussed atÊa AnnualÊReview meeting held inÊJune,Êand chaired by the Director of Graduate Studies. The supervisory committee will then write a joint report either removing the probationary status of theÊstudent,Êor indicating what requirements have first to be satisfied.




PhD: 3-4 years full-time or 5-7 years part-time; MPhil: 2 years full-time

The Bilingualism programme is offered atÊBangor University.