The majority of phyla are found in the oceans; the sizes of organisms range from the smallest micro-organism on the planet to the largest invertebrates (giant squid) and mammals (blue whales). This very popular Marine Biology degree allows you to study the fundamental aspects of the biology of marine life as well as more specialised aspects such as aquaculture, fisheries and marine biotechnology.

There is also a 4-year Master of MArine Biology option available. In Year 4 of the Master of Marine Biology, you will carry out a substantial piece of research which forms your Year 4 dissertation.

(Hons) Marine Biology is offered by Bangor University.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?
  • Our School is one of the largest university centres teaching Marine Sciences in Britain and is among the biggest in Europe.
  • We are situated within a few metres of the sea, ideal for developing your skills in collecting data in estuaries, on the sea shore and at sea.
  • We have a £3.5m ocean-going research ship which you will use during your studies.
Careers and Employability

The course is ideal preparation for careers in research, conservation, marine resource management, fisheries and aquaculture, government advisory bodies, the scientific media, ecotourism and other leisure industries and pressure groups and many unrelated areas that require analytical skills.