Geological Oceanographers are required to tackle issues such as climate and sea-level change, coastal erosion, marine pollution, waterway siltation and offshore engineering related to cable/pipelines routes, renewable energy infrastructure and oil and gas exploration.

This (Hons) Geological Oceanography degree is offered by Bangor University.

Why choose Bangor for this course?
  • Our School is one of the the largest university centres teaching marine sciences in Britain and is one of the biggest in Europe.
  • The geologists on our staff have expertise in sedimentology, marine geophysics, palaeoceanography, petroleum geology and mineralogy and we have strong links with the offshore industry.
  • We are situated within a few metres of the sea, ideal for developing your skills in collecting data in estuaries, on the sea shore and at sea.
  • We have a £3.5m ocean-going research ship as well as several smaller survey boats.
  • You will be able to investigate practical aspects of geological oceanography through fieldwork which includes a programme on our research ship.

Careers and Employability

The course is ideal preparation for careers in research, oil and gas exploration and the offshore industry, environmental impact assessment, the water supply industry, coastal zone management, government advisory bodies and the scientific media.

The course has an extremely strong record of employability, with many graduates progressing directly into careers in the offshore sector. Many of these return regularly to the School to talk to current undergraduates about career prospects.