The Forestry (Hons) programme is offered at the Bangor University.

Our degrees will prepare you for the challenge of managing forests for the many benefits they provide, at a time of global environmental change. Forests, vital to the global ecosystem, cover 30% of the worldÕs land area. Forestry is concerned with the understanding and sustainable management of these forests for the benefit of society.

This course is accredited by the Institute of Chartered Foresters and gives partial fulfilment of Professional Membership Entry.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?
  • National Student Survey, the School achieved an overall satisfaction score of 97% with all of our subject areas rated in the UK top 10.
  • Bangor University is ranked 4th in the UK for Agriculture and Forestry (The Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide 2017).
  • We were the first university to offer a Forestry degree, and we are now the first to offer an MFor degree.
  • We have excellent links with forestry organisations in the UK and overseas, and these are used in our teaching programmes.
  • We have a comprehensive library collection in Bangor, a forestry experimental area nearby, and are within easy travelling distance of public and privately-owned forests.
  • The University owns 82 ha of woodland, many of them seminatural, which are used for teaching.
  • We run week-long field courses in the first, second and final years of the degree.
  • We have an experienced group of staff, with new appointments in forestry and a number of related disciplines, and excellent interaction with local professional foresters.
  • There are opportunities for studying abroad (usually in Canada or Finland) during the second year. If you opt for the four-year programme you will spend a year working in the forestry profession, gaining relevant experience and increasing your employability.
  • We pay for student membership of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.
Careers and Employability

Employers are always looking for forestry graduates who are self-motivated and enjoy working with people. A high proportion (around 80%) of our graduates find a forestry-related job within six months of graduation, and are employed by public, private and non-governmental organisations both in the UK and overseas. Our unique history, reputation and teaching excellence makes Bangor Forestry graduates highly employable.

Take a look at the video below to see the possible career options for Forsetry graduates and read our profiles page to see what some SENRGY graduates are doing now.