The Conservation with Forestry (Hons) programme is offered at the Bangor University.

The degree focuses on the principles of biological conservation, forest ecology and forest ecosystem function, the practice of conservation, and the ways in which forests can be managed to meet conservation objectives. There are opportunities to study abroad in the second year and to spend up to 12 months working for a conservation or forestry organisation.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?
  • Bangor is one of the leading UK universities for forestry and conservation.
  • Bangor University is ranked 6th in the UK for Agriculture and Forestry (The Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018).
  • Bangor is ranked 7th in the UK for research quality (Agriculture and Forestry).
  • Bangor is ranked 6th in the UK for graduate prospects (Agriculture and Forestry).
  • The University teaches and does research on many aspects of the conservation and management of natural resources.
  • We are situated in an ideal location for study, close to ancient semi-natural woodlands and other sites of conservation importance.
  • The University owns 82 ha of woodland, many of them seminatural, which are used for teaching.
  • We have an enthusiastic group of staff, with new academic appointments in a number of key conservation and forestry-related disciplines.
  • We run week-long field courses in the first, second and final years of the degree.
  • We have local, national and international links with a variety of governmental agencies and NGOs who are actively working on conservation projects and issues.
  • We pay for student membership of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.
Opportunities at Bangor

The UniversityÕsÊCareers and Employability ServiceÊprovides a wide range of resources to help you achieve your graduate ambitions. Developing your personal skills and enhancing your employability while at university is becoming increasingly important in todayÕs job market.