The Computer Information Systems (Hons) degree is offered at the Bangor University.

Computer Information Systems (Hons) degree provides grounding in computer science together with coverage of CIS and new media technologies. The CIS for Business course covers the use of computers in a business environment, teaching you programming, software development, and the latest technologies, along with their application in business and business methods.

We will develop your understanding of the fundamentals underpinning CIS and its applications in industry.

You will be able to describe the operation of such software systems and apply therelated principles into the implementation of properly engineered software.

Crucially you will also understand the drivers for future trends in this fast-moving area.

New modules have recently been introduced that will enable you to design and build your own computer network. This work will be undertaken in a recently developed specialist network laboratory.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?
  • This course is strengthened by Bangor's close links with the computer industry. Some students find employment at The Centre for Advanced Software Technology (CAST) Ltd which focusses on visualisation technologies
  • Sponsorship and scholarship opportunities are available on a competitive basis.
  • Final-year projects are often carried out in collaboration with a company.
  • The School has recently installed a large networking laboratory. This facility is designed to provide students with the opportunity to design and administer networks and to support the delivery of computer architecture modules.
Employability and the School of Computer Science

Graduates from Computer Science are valuable to all kinds of industrial and public-sector employers. The combination of advanced numeracy, skill with computers and experience in teamwork and problem solving makes our graduates highly employable.