The (Hons) Biology programme is offered at the Bangor University.

Evolutionary, ecological and environmental aspects are strongly emphasised in our biology degree, and there is opportunity to follow applied aspects of biology and to learn about fundamental biological processes and mechanisms. Extensive use is made of the exceptional range of local terrestrial and aquatic habitats during field courses and practical classes. We are unusual among British Universities in having our own botanical gardens with various habitats for biological studies. We are also part of the Environment Centre Wales which is a partnership venture between Bangor University and the Natural Environment Research CouncilÕs Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH).

During our biology degree you will receive training that covers the biology of plants and animals Ð from their molecular biology to their function in natural communities. We provide a diversity of laboratory and field biology experience, enabling you to acquire transferable skills (data analysis, group work, writing and presentational skills, IT skills). Whilst studying for this biology degree you are able to choose from a variety of modules across the School making it possible to specialise in different aspects of Biology depending on individual preferences. Possibilities range from plant diversity and ecosystem functioning through to whole-organism studies down to molecules and cells, with consideration of animal/plant form and function. We also offer modules on human health and disease and enable students to undertake field work.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?
  • Cutting-edge science is integral to our research programmes, and feeds through into the teaching environment. Our expertise in biology covers aspects of stress biology, energetics, adaptation to change, population genetics, biogeography, molecular ecology, climate change and carbon stores, cell and genomic biology, environmental micro-biology, neurobiology and development.
  • Our excellent facilities include: a Botanical Garden; our own Natural History Museum containing a comprehensive collection of invertebrate and vertebrate material and extensive marine and freshwater aquaria; and the Robert Edwards Laboratory for teaching cell and molecular biology.
  • BangorÕs location makes it an ideal place to study biology Ð the range of soil types, climate and topography provides numerous diverse habitats, all within easy reach for field-based studies.
  • Bangor is home to the divisional offices of Natural Resources Wales and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, both of which have close links to the University and staff associated with this course.
  • Exchange programmes and opportunities for studying abroad available Ð see introductory pages of this prospectus for details.
Employability and the School of Biological Sciences

As a graduate with a good degree from the School of Biological Sciences, a variety of careers will be open to you. There are careers for which a Biological Sciences degree is essential, and careers for which Biological Sciences provides a useful base.

In addition, there are careers open to graduates and postgraduates from any discipline. These include, for example, careers in management training, accountancy, teaching, nursing, social work, the police and the armed forces. However, employers are usually looking for general or transferable skills, and a Biological Sciences degree arguably provides a unique combination of these.