The Accounting and Banking (Hons) programme is offered at the Bangor University.Ê

A degree in Banking offers you the opportunity to study the theory and practice of financial services and financial markets, and to analyse the broader role of the financial sector in the national and global economies. Banking and financial services is a highly competitive and rapidly changing sector in every modern economy. In recent years, forces such as globalisation, technological change, deregulation and international integration have transformed the banking and financial services sector.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?
  • You will study within a multidisciplinary School that employs specialists across a broad range of business subjects, including accounting, banking, finance, economics, management, marketing and entrepreneurship.
  • All single honours students taking degrees within Bangor Business School follow the same modules in year 1, so as an accounting and banking degree student you are allowed to change to another Business School degree anytime up to the start of year 2.
  • Our students take part in national competitions such as the IBM Business Challenge.
  • We arrange a varied programme of guest lectures. Recent speakers have included the Chief Executive of the Scottish Premier League, the Chief Operating Officer of No. 10 & 11 Downing Street, and the Head of IT Security at HSBC.
  • Our staff are active researchers in their subject areas and we enjoy an international reputation.
  • We have excellent computing facilities and you will have the chance to develop your skills in data analysis and report preparation.
  • Bangor offers an attractive range of postgraduate degrees (MA, MSc and MBA) in business and finance subjects, if you wish to study for an extra year after completion of your accounting and banking degree.
  • Depending on the modules you study, you will be able to gain exemptions from parts of the professional examinations of the major accounting bodies.