The Midwifery programme is offered at the Bangor University.Ê

The programme commences annually in September and is full time over 45 weeks each year. There are 7 weeks of annual leave which are set by the course lead.

The role of the midwife in promoting normal physiological birth is the main focus throughout the programme. After an initial 6 weeks block of theory, clinical placement experiences will introduce students to the role of the midwife, beginning in the community setting, where care to women and their families is provided during and following pregnancy. The opportunity may arise during this first placement experience for students to attend home births as well as births in free standing midwifery led units. Clinical placements will also be in local maternity units. Students will experience multi-disciplinary team working, which provides a holistic service to women and their families. Local geography offers students the possibility of placement experiences in rural and remote settings.

Two weeks of elective placements are also available to students each year. Past students have used this opportunity to observe care provision across the UK and internationally.

Bangor University has an active Student Midwife Society (BUSMS) who have successfully raised money for local causes and have also organised, managed and hosted an ÔAll Wales Student MidwivesÕ conference.