Why choose Bangor University for this course?

  • Our School of Linguistics and English Language is one of the oldest linguistics departments in the UK. Our degree programmes are taught by staff who are active researchers in a range of theoretical and applied areas relating to the English Language degrees - many have international reputations in the field.
  • Our modules will give you a sound and scientific insight into the structure and use of language, as well as into the history of English, sociolinguistics (the relationship between language and society) and current issues in the field of English Language study.
  • Our modules cover a wide range of subject matters, and in your third year you will be able to focus your attention on those questions that interest you most - the final year consists solely of option modules.
  • Our wide range of learning facilities includes an extensive collection of books on Linguistics and English Language, a speech laboratory (in the Bilingualism Centre), as well as recording equipment for hire. You will be able to develop your word-processing and powerpoint presentation skills.
  • We have an annual David Crystal day when Prof. David Crystal, the world's foremost authority on the English language gives classes to students in the School.
  • A unique feature of this degree is the opportunity to take a Certificate in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language alongside your degree.

Careers and Employability

A degree in Linguistics and the English Language will increase your knowledge of language structure and use for communicative purposes, the history of the English language, the role of the English language in the world and your competence in the grammatical structure and use of the English language. Recent graduates have gone on to do further academic study such as the PGCE and postgraduate qualifications leading to speech and language therapy, overseas teaching, and other training in order to pursue careers in social work, police work, immigration work, local government, banking and accountancy, librarianship, media and journalism, creative writing and publishing.