The Journalism and English Language (Hons) degree is offered at the Bangor University.

You can study Journalism and English Language as a joint honours degree:

  • English Language

  • Media Studies

The journalism component covers television and radio journalism; print journalism; digital journalism; the history and development of journalism, journalism in a global context, and journalism and risk issues (such as terrorism or climate change). The emphasis of the journalism part of the course is on balancing practical and academic aspects. This course will equip you with a solid grounding in the principles of journalism and its wider socio-political-economic-historic context, as well as the technical and practical skills required to make you a sought-after professional in this field.

Journalism staff in the School have a range of interests including digital journalism, global journalism, journalism and risk, broadcast journalism, and journalismÕs role in civil society.

Why choose Bangor for this course?

  • The School of Creative Studies and Media is unique in its close integration of academic and theoretical approaches with hands-on creative practice. Students in the School have the opportunity at all levels to combine a study of their chosen field with practice-based outcomes.

  • The School specialises in a number of key areas: Professional Writing and Journalism; Media and Digital Communication; Film Studies; Performance Studies; Creative and Media Practice.

  • We have excellent links with newspapers, the television industry and theatres.

  • Many members of staff in the School are practising professionals and consultants.

  • The School has a fully-equipped media centre with editing suites, production studios, media and digital media equipment available to students.

  • Bangor is the site for a range of Creative Industries conferences, video conferences and events. It is a regular site for visiting creative writers, film-makers, journalists, designers, dramatists, new media makers and more, and encourages students to engage widely with their creative interests beyond the realms of the formal coursework.

  • Sponsorship and scholarship opportunities are available on a competitive basis.

  • Final-year projects are often carried out in collaboration with a company and could include working in a team with students from creative arts degree courses.

Course content is for guidance purposes only and may be subject to change.