An alternative to clinical training, the emphasis during this course is on the social experiences of health and care, including the policy issues, the delivery and management of services, and the evaluation of evidence.

Some modules offered as part of the course, as well as certain subjects in joint honours combinations, are also available through the medium of Welsh.Ê

This Health and Social Care Degree is offered by Bangor University.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?
  • We aim to provide a friendly and informal learning environment.
  • The degree structure is flexible enough to offer a range of specialisms and a breadth of choice.
  • The degree is taught by experts in the subject who aim to be innovative and to meet real needs.
  • The introductory year's work is designed to build your confidence, whatever your background.
  • We use a variety of learning approaches, and, as well as the development of personal skills, we emphasise the development of practical skills in observation, interpretation, information processing and presentation, all of which will be valued by employers.
  • You will have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad as part of the degree.

Careers and Employability

Through studying this subject you will gain a good background for careers in areas such as health services management, research, health promotion, social and community work.