This English Literature (Hons) course, Bangor UniversityÊoffers you the opportunity to study a broad range of English Literature in small groups, led by the research experts in the field, in an atmosphere of creative, scholarly enterprise in order to develop skills of critical analysis that are highly valued by employers.Why choose Bangor University for this course?

  • Students rate our teaching extremely highly. English Literature at Bangor received 100% overall student satisfaction in the 2016 NSS. This places Bangor top in the UK for student satisfaction.
  • We are committed to teaching in small groups as well as lectures, one-to-one supervision and providing individualised feedback.
  • We offer a broad and flexible range of modules giving you the freedom to develop and explore your own interests. Modules combine the innovative Ð e.g. The Literature of Laughter, Transformative Writing and The Gothic in Literature and Film Ð with the more traditional Ð e.g. Beowulf to Malory, Victorian Literature and Contemporary Literature.
  • Our research informs our teaching. The world-class quality of our research and writing was recognised in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014), placing us in the UK Top 10 for research intensity.
  • Our close links with Pontio, the UniversityÕs, £40million Arts Centre, local theatres, poetry groups and vibrant student societies Ð including our Bangor English Drama Society (BEDS) Ð there are lots of chances for you to get involved.
  • Bangor is an inspiring location for creative writing or literary study.

A degree from the School of English Literature provides our students with excellent transferrable skills valued by employers in a range of sectors. Our graduates have gone on to work in: teaching, publishing, advertising, journalism and the media, the law, social work, business, politics, accountancy, the performing arts, civil service, the police, human resources, and academia. Our degree will teach you the skills of critical analysis, imaginative problem solving, and presentation. Another option is postgraduate study, which offers the opportunity to further deepen your knowledge and expertise. There are great opportunities for this at Bangor.

In a recent Salaries and Vacancies Survey the Association of Graduate Recruiters lisited the top ten skill areas that employers seek right now:

  • Motivation and enthusiasm
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Team working
  • Oral communication
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Initiative/productivity
  • Problem solving
  • Planning and organisation
  • Managing own development
  • Written communication