The Creative Studies (Hons) programme is offered at the Bangor University.

This combination, a meeting of the critical and the creative, allows you to pursue interconnected themes and ideas within different creative and/or critical fields, or to follow through specific genre or creative practice interests, or to contrast and compare those areas across your degree programme.

Why choose Bangor for this course?

  • The School of Creative Studies and Media is unique in its close integration of critical and theoretical approaches with hands-on creative practice. Students in the School have the opportunity at all levels to combine a study of their chosen field with practice-based outcomes such as writing, performance, and media/digital media production.
  • The School specialises in a number of key areas: Professional Writing and Journalism; Media and Digital Communication; Film Studies; Performance Studies; Creative and Media Practice. The School has research interests in all areas of Film Studies, with research programmes running in several key areas.
  • We have excellent links with theatre companies, newspapers and the television industry.
  • Many members of staff in the School are practising professionals and consultants.
  • The School has a fully-equipped media centre with editing suites, production studios, media and digital media equipment.
  • Bangor is the site for a range of Creative Industries conferences, video conferences and events. It is a regular site for visiting creative writers, film-makers, journalists, designers, dramatists, new media makers and more, and encourages students to engage widely with their creative interests beyond the realms of the formal coursework.