The Physical Oceanography at Bangor University is concerned with the physics of the ocean and understanding the forces which shape the global climate by moving heat around planet Earth. Physical Oceanographers are in great demand and are required to tackle issues such as predicting future climate and sea-level change, marine pollution dispersion, offshore engineering related and exploitation of marine renewable energy.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?
  • The School of Ocean Sciences is one of the largest university centres teaching marine sciences in Britain and was recently described as probably the best place in Europe to study Physical Oceanography by New Scientist magazine.
  • The physicists on our staff have expertise in dynamics, ocean optics, oceanographic instrumentation, turbulence and mixing and computer modeling. We have strong links with the National Oceanography Centre, Met Office and the marine renewables industry.
  • We are situated within a few metres of the sea, ideal for developing your skills in collecting data in estuaries, on the seashore and the sea.
  • We have a £3.5m ocean-going research ship as well as several smaller survey boats.
  • Students from this programme have taken International Experience years at Sun Yat Sen University in China and undertaken internships at the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool.

Careers and Employability

Bangor University has been offering degrees in Physical Oceanography for over 50 years, with graduates going on to be leaders in both the offshore industry and academia. The course provides an ideal preparation for careers in climate change research, marine renewable exploitation, and the offshoreÊ industry, environmental impactÊ assessment, the water supply industry, coastal zone management as well as government advisory bodies and the scientific media.