The MLitt in Modern and Contemporary Literature and Culture isÊan intensive one-year taught programme which aims to enhance studentsÕ textual knowledge and promote thinking about the interconnections between modern and contemporary literature and its historical, cultural and theoretical contexts.

The MLitt is aimed at those interested in modern and contemporary literature, in the acquisition of a taught postgraduate qualification, and in the possibility of moving towards a PhD. ?


  • Study the interdisciplinary dimensions of Êmodern and contemporary culture through topics which explore cultural production across the arts, music, film and literature.
  • Learn about the key developments in modern and contemporary literary studies in dialogue with leading scholars in the fields of Modernism,ÊScottish literature,Êwar writing,Êmodern and contemporary poetry, postcolonialism andÊcontemporary fiction.
  • Focus on the key literary and cultural theories of the 20thÊand 21stÊcenturies alongside a global range of modern and contemporary texts.
  • Develop your skills as a researcher within a specific area of study by taking special topic modules.Ê
  • Texts studied may include works by authors such as T S Eliot, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, W H Auden, Christine Brooke-Rose, Alan Hollinghurst, Tom McCarthy, and Ali Smith.