The University of Stirling has a long history of expertise in the diverse aspects of face research. This course will help you increase your understanding of psychological research methods and allow you to focus the majority of your efforts in face research.

Our internationally renowned team of experts studies almost all aspects of face perception, including:

  • low-level visual processing
  • adaptation
  • gaze perception
  • social perception, such as mate preference and attractiveness
  • mechanisms of recognition
  • forensic aspects such as unfamiliar face matching and eye-witness recovery of memories for faces

Our research has led to EvoFIT, a unique system for constructing facial composites of offenders by witnesses and victims of crime, which has a suspect identification rate ten times higher than traditional methods used by police.

YouÕll become part of this vibrant research community as you study the key research methods related to face research and will put your learning into practice during a month-long placement.

YouÕll be based in a dedicated MSc office, or within an appropriate research group, and allocated a peer mentor. An academic supervisor in psychology will support and guide your development including the research dissertation project. WeÕre here to encourage you to make the transition to become a fully independent research scientist.