The International Journalism programme offered by the University of StirlingÊintroduces students from a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds to the theory and practice of journalism in a global context. The course is internationally-focused and deals with the practice of journalism across different media, cultural and regulatory environments.

With a combination of practice and theory, the MSc International Journalism at Stirling enables you to tailor your studies by choosing a practice- or theory-led route depending on your interests and career ambitions.

The course is provided by our Division of Communications, Media and Culture, which has a strong international profile, and builds on our existing strengths in teaching and research. In journalism alone, the Division has staff from South Africa, Venezuela, Pakistan, China and Ireland, as well as the UK.

On theÊInternational Journalism programme offered by the University of StirlingÊyou will:

  • develop advanced research and analysis skills
  • acquire advanced skills in writing news stories, features and blogs
  • understand style and its relationship to content
  • develop skills to publish news content across multiple media
  • gain audio and video production skills
  • understand the cultural, social and political significance of journalism
  • understand transnational practices in the cultural, social, economic and political realms
  • understand the different legal, cultural and political contexts in which they might have to operate


The journalism sector is continually changing and journalists have to learn a number of new skills to remain relevant. The demand for people with new skills in IT and Digital Media, PR, Entrepreneurship and Freelancing, and Communications is growing.

The MSc International Journalism will prepare you for this rapidly transforming sector, and will also give you transferable skills for a range of other careers in the fields of entertainment, environment, human rights and migration.