This course not only ensures youÕre well-versed in theoretical and critical aspects of the subject area, but also have the opportunity to become fully trained in practicalities such as audio production, video editing, scriptwriting and more. Our emphasis on all-round training means youÕll graduate ready to follow in the footsteps of previous Stirling students who have forged successful careers in a range of media roles Ð from broadcasting and publishing, to advertising and public relations.

YouÕll study in a stimulating environment marked by world-class teaching and invaluable opportunities to be part of our campus television, filmmaking and radio stations. There are also regular visits from members of our professional advisory board Ð who are experts able to bring crucial insights from the front-line of industry directly to you. Adding flexibility to your studies, you can combine Film and Media with one of 14 other courses, and tailor your degree to match your unique interests and ambitions.