You'll explore interactions between international institutions, governments and households, and develop an appreciation of the insights that economic analysis can bring to business and policy. TheÊÊprogramme offered by the Êalso cultivates your skills in decision making and analysis, while enhancing your critical thinking abilities in evaluating business performance, management styles and statistics, as well as public, social and macroeconomic policies and their effect on businesses and households.

We prepare you for the workplace, as through this course you'll gain practical experience by working with organisations across the business landscape, such as Wood Mackenzie and Scottish Power, through to Zero Waste Scotland and the Institute for Fiscal Studies. YouÕll get to delve into the markets and environments these organisations work in through a mix of site visits and guest lectures. ThereÕs also the opportunity to undertake a summer consultancy project with external clients. This allows you to integrate the knowledge and skills from your masterÕs degree to solve a real business challenge.

Your learning and knowledge will benefit from our academic staffÕs excellent links with industry and policy think tanks, as well as our ties with the Behavioural Science Centre, Centre for Sustainable Practice and Living (CSPL) and The Centre for Constitutional Change.


This Masters course in Economics for Business and Policy places great emphasis on applying economic thinking to real-world business and policy challenges, ensuring that our graduates are highly employable. Your career prospects are further enhanced by our excellent links with business and policy think tanks. The skills and knowledge youÕll gain on this course will let you redefine your career into a number of different roles, including:

  • business analyst in large organisations within energy, transport, and healthcare sectors
  • market and data analyst for multinational companies, charities, news and media
  • economist in investment banking and other bank departments
  • official in international organisations such as the European Union, UNIDO, UNEP
  • economic, investment and management consultant
  • analyst or manager in non-profit organisations
  • local government and development agency official
  • commercial analyst
  • environment and energy analysts
  • health managers