WeÕll give you a rigorous introduction to the science of ecology. YouÕll understand how animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms interact with their environment, as well as the relationship between people and the rest of the biosphere.

This course covers the core conceptual issues of Ecology in its broadest sense, but also provides hands-on opportunities for learning transferable skills and analysing ecological relationships across all types of organisms. WeÕll train you in essential field and laboratory techniques, including on our inspiring 10-day fieldtrip in CŽvennes, France, a landscape of exceptional natural beauty and tremendous biodiversity recognised by UNESCO.

Whether you are interested in pursuing an academic career, or want to participate in the practical solution of ecological problems, weÕll provide you with the tools and concepts you need to make a difference.

Fieldwork Ð an essential part of training Ð takes place in Scotland and France. ThereÕs also an optional trip to Spain. Students may spend all, or part, of Year 3 studying abroad as part of an exchange programme with the University of Guelph, Canada, as well as participating in other international exchange programmes.

Our graduates have progressed to a range of jobs in academic and applied ecology, including jobs as:

  • environmental consultant
  • environmental education officer
  • environmental manager
  • university and government researchers
  • nature reserve managers
  • policy makers and consultants with both environmental agencies and conservation bodies,
  • natural history film maker
  • journalist
  • nature conservation officer
  • recycling officer
  • sustainability consultant
  • waste management officer
  • water quality scientist