YouÕll study at the Institute of Aquaculture, one of the top institutions in this field. The Institute is internationally recognised for both research and teaching and has more than 70 staff and 80 postgraduate students. This Masters in ÊatÊÊhas been taught at the Institute for almost 40 years and is the only postgraduate degree of its kind in the world.

The course combines high-quality, practical work and field visits with class-based training in aquatic disease diagnosis and health management challenges drawn from real situations. YouÕll also develop an understanding of the biology, husbandry and environment of farmed aquatic species.

The course can also be seen as preparation for anyone who plans to do a PhD in aquatic animal health or disease.


This course has run for almost 40 years and weÕve trained over 200 students (in combination with Aquatic Veterinary Studies) from all over the world. As a graduate, your expertise will be relevant to a wide range of potential careers in aquatic animal health. Your selected career path will depend on your personal interests, as well as your previous experiences. Graduates have gone on to work as aquatic health consultants, with government fisheries departments, and as managers of seafood farms and aquaria.

The course provides training for those who wish to pursue a PhD, especially in aquaculture, aquatic health, fisheries and aquatic resources management.

In combination with the Aquatic Veterinary Studies degree these are the destinations of our graduates over the last five years:

  • About 30 percent have gone on to a PhD or further research
  • Around 20 percent work in government fisheries departments
  • About 15 percent are university lecturers
  • The remainder are managers of farms or aquaria or have other similar types of employment