The BSc Biochemistry and Microbiology (Hons) offered at The University of Strathclyde is aÊjoint Honours degree course combines the study of biochemistry with microbiology.

Microbiology is the study of the smallest living organisms (micro-organisms or microbes) and includes viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa.ÊMicrobes are a major cause of disease in humans but they can also be useful in industrial processes from pollution control to the production of important therapeutic compounds.

The opportunity to choose specific degree combinations will allow you to go into specialist biomedical science areas such as neuroscience, cardiovascular research, immunopharmacology, industrial immunology, drug research, biochemistry, microbiology and bacteriology.


You could be involved in the development of drugs, food processing, protecting the environment, fighting disease or even slowing down the ageing process.

Our graduates find jobs in the pharmaceutical, biotech and agrochemical industries, hospitals and public service laboratories, environmental centres, analytical and forensic science labs, universities, the scientific civil service and teaching at all levels.

Many students also continue onto postgraduate studies and research.

The transferable skills you gain from this course will not only prepare you for a career in science but also in areas such as finance, management, marketing, sales, business and media.