The focus is on individual supervision through monthly meetings. The length of your project can be negotiated with your supervisor, but will usually be around 30,000 words. This will include 5,000 words of personal reflection on your writing.

With theÊMRes in Creative Writing at The University of Strathclyde you will also take a research skills methods with other postgraduates in the department. This will give you the chance to socialise with students on other courses and to learn, for example, how to present your work effectively in public.

The standard of achievement expected of candidates for this degree is what one would expect of a student completing their first year of postgraduate study subsequent to an undergraduate Honours degree or equivalent.

We offer an MRes in creative writing.

You can study the MRes full-time, over a year, or part-time over two years.

You'll create a piece of imaginative writing in collaboration with a successful, published author.

You can specialise in one of these genres:

  • poetry
  • fiction
  • imaginative non-fiction

The length of your project can be negotiated with your supervisor, but will usually be around 30,000 words. This includes 5,000 words of personal reflection on your writing.

You'll also take a research skills methods with other postgraduates in the department of English. This gives you the chance to socialise with students on other courses and to learn how to present your work in public.

Your project should show:

  • understanding and consistency in your project and its accompanying critical analysis.
  • a good understanding of the genre developed and appraised
  • the use of relevant and appropriate language to the genre developed and appraised
  • a clear understanding of narrative or other formal strategies adopted
  • awareness of literary / historical / theoretical context appropriate to the project.
  • clarity, economy of expression, avoidance of vague generalisations.
  • evidence of independent thought and imagination