Delivered by experienced professionals who have lived and taught around the globe, the Êprogramme offered by the Êoffers an excellent balance between theory and practice using a range of cutting-edge, innovative teaching methods.ÊIt alsoÊdraws on best practice from across the TESOL sector, focusing on the development of advanced professional capabilities and knowledge in language learning and teaching.

As a TESOL student at the University of Stirling, you'll also have an opportunity to apply for a placement at one of our partner universities in Germany or Hungary, and put your learning into practice.


  • Graduates will leave with an advanced knowledge and understanding of the TESOL sector, enabling them to take on more responsibility in current or future roles overseas or in the UK.
  • For more experienced teachers, the qualification has provided access to positions with the British Council or in the tertiary sector.
  • On completion of the MSc TESOL, overseas graduates will be well prepared to sit all three modules of the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations TKT.