With the BEng Computer Science and Electronic Systems at The University of Strathclyde engineers with operational and technical expertise in both electronics and software engineering are needed to design the next generation of computer apps, interactive vehicle robotic agents that monitor driver information and respond accordingly, or digital cinema technology. This degree is designed to produce these skilled professional engineers.

We have very high student satisfaction and graduate employment rates, and offer an extensive industry-supported scholarship programme.

This is one of the few UK degrees with triple accreditation from the IET, BCS and Science Council.

Year 1
  • YouÕll learn the fundamental principles and concepts in electronic engineering, mathematics and computer science classes.
Years 2 & 3
  • YouÕll build on this base while being introduced to programming languages and techniques, computer communications and hardware and software engineering systems.
Year 4
  • YouÕll choose specialist topics to match your personal career aspirations. Topics include multimedia information, embedded systems, AI techniques, e-commerce and computer security.
  • It is possible to transfer from BEng to MEng after any year.


Employability of graduates from these degrees is one of the highest of all disciplines.

With skills including numeracy, problem-solving, IT, critical thinking and analysis, they are able to choose from a wide range of professional career options. The degree's triple accreditation ensures that they have the technical expertise and skills in both electronics and software engineering to compete for jobs on an equal footing with computer scientists and electronic engineers.Ê