At theÊBEng Chemical Engineering at The University of StrathclydeÊin the first year of study focuses on basic principles and fundamentals of chemical engineering.

In second year, you'll study core chemical engineering areas such as process analysis and statistics, fluid flow and heat transfer and safety.

The third year of study include areas such as reactors, biochemical engineering and materials and processes.

For BEng students, the final year of study includes particle technology, multiphase systems and process control. The second semester is entirely devoted to the chemical engineering design project.

Our degree courses prepare you for the international scope of careers in chemical engineering and related areas such as research & development, finance and consultancy. You'll have many opportunities to gain work experience and international placements.

You'll have opportunities to work on projects in research groups across Europe, via the Erasmus scheme, and for exchanges to other countries such as the USA, Australia and Canada. We encourage and support students to compete for summer internships with top companies such as BP, and to enter national and international student business and innovation competitions.


Chemical engineers are among the best rewarded engineers globally, and work across all sectors of industry from energy and foods to pharmaceuticals and medicine, as well as branching out into other areas such as finance and management.

The department works closely with the University Careers Service through every year of our course, to support students in building excellent employability skills and portfolios of experience.