Our Psychological Research Methods (General) course combines training in psychological theory with practical skills development, preparing you for a future career in psychology. YouÕll gain a thorough introduction to quantitative and qualitative research, the analysis and interpretation of data, and a critical, sceptical approach to psychological science.

The unique feature of this General pathway is flexibility - youÕre free to investigate a wide range of topics across the discipline. This encourages an understanding of different methods and perspectives within the field of psychology.

Opportunities for practical hands-on skills development are built in, ranging from low-tech observational assessment to high-tech eye-tracking. YouÕll carry out a work placement, typically in an external company, charity or third sector organisation. This provides you with a fantastic opportunity to develop relevant work-based employment skills, and to develop a network of contacts relevant to your future career goals. Students benefit hugely from this experience, combining skills and experience with personal and professional development.

YouÕll be based in a dedicated MSc office, or within an appropriate research group, and allocated a peer mentor. YouÕll also have an academic supervisor in Psychology who supports and guides your development, including your research dissertation project.