The programme details of this course are provided by:School of Classics: The School of Classics is one of the most vibrant Classics departments in the UK, offering innovative courses at all levels. Our permanent teaching staff, experts in their fields, offer teaching based on cutting-edge research across the full breadth of Greek and Roman culture. The quality and reputation of our research have been recognised by consistently high performance in the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008): in the last exercise, 60% of our research was rated 'world leading' or 'internationally excellent'.
School of Modern Languages: The School of Modern Languages houses seven subjects Ð Arabic, Comparative Literature, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish Ð and three Research Institutes Ð European Cultural Identity Studies, Contemporary and Comparative Literature, and Linguistics. We are one of the leading Schools of Modern Languages and Literatures in the UK and we are the first in Scotland. Our results in the most recent Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008) were excellent, with German rated second in the UK, French fourth and Spanish ninth. Our teaching and research are inextricably linked through a combination of high-powered training in languages, literatures and cultures and modern pedagogic methods and world leading scholarship in subjects ranging from medieval to twenty-first century texts.