Contemporary culture highlights a reawakened interest in the Gothic Ð from the current vogue for horror film and the extraordinary success of writers such as Stephen King and Stephenie Meyer, to manifestations of an alternative Gothic impulse in fashion, music and lifestyle.

courseÊat the Êgives you the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the scholarly appreciation of the Gothic. Ours is one of the few Masters courses worldwide that is devoted exclusively to the academic study of the dynamic and ever-expanding field of Gothic studies.

We provide a rigorous and intensive historical survey of the GothicÕs literary origins and developments, and chart its dispersal across a broad range of media and national contexts.

The course will equip you with the necessary theoretical vocabulary to address, and critically reflect upon, the Gothic as a complex and multi-faceted cultural phenomenon. It also prepares you for further postgraduate research in the rich and vibrant field of Gothic Studies. Graduates will leave with many invaluable transferable skills, including critical thinking, theoretical conceptualisation, historical periodisation and independent research.


Our Masters equips you with many skills and abilities that are sought after by employers across the private and public sectors. These include the ability to:

  • process and reflect critically upon cultural forms
  • organise, present and express ideas clearly and logically
  • understand complex theoretical ideas
  • undertake extended independent research

The 15,000-word dissertation that is submitted towards the end of the course allows you to devise, develop, support and defend your own academic ideas across an extended piece of written work. It provides an excellent point of entry into more advanced forms of postgraduate research, including the Doctoral degree. Many previous graduates of the course have gone on to study a PhD.