The BA Business Enterprise and Business Analysis and Technology at The University of StrathclydeÊapplies advanced analytical methods to business problems to help managers make better decisions while technology is at the heart of all modern business.

Organisations need business graduates with expertise in business technology. Business analysts have an excellent general awareness of how a business works. TheyÕre also able to apply advanced analytical methods to deal with specific management issues.

YouÕll study core business enterprise classes with a choice of electives. YouÕll also take part in Value Challenge Ð a group assignment to give you real life experience of creating value through entrepreneurial activity. In Year 4, you'll undertake a dissertation.


A significant number of well-known companies specifically target graduates from Strathclyde Business School, and from the area of management science in particular. Companies employing our graduates include:

  • consultancy companies such as Accenture Consulting, PA Consulting and Capgemini
  • financial services providers such as The Royal Bank of Scotland, Standard Life and Goldman Sachs
  • consumer goods companies such as Procter & Gamble and Unilever
  • supermarkets such as Tesco and Morrisons
  • other companies including British Airways, Scottish Power, BT, BAE Systems and public sector organisations such as the NHS