At the University of Strathclyde studying the MSc Biomedical Sciencewill provide you with a comprehensive three-part postgraduate life sciences training.

Firstly, unlike many MSc courses, we offer you dedicated training in a broad suite of bioinformatics and practical laboratory skills. They will not only be great preparation for future research careers, but also a way to make the most of your summer research project.

Secondly, our taught classes capture the excitement of cutting-edge research fields.

The substantial choice of classes means that you'll get to select a clinical-oriented or basic life science research pathway to suit your future aspirations.

Together, the course provides the perfect springboard to future training at PhD level or gives you a range of experience that will prove attractive to employers from industry or the health-care provision sector.

YouÕll study

This course will provide training on fundamental techniques for the four disciplines:

  • biochemistry
  • immunology
  • microbiology
  • pharmacology

Aligned with the taught component of this course, these disciplines will form the grounding for your summer project.

You'll also learn vital transferable skills in statistics, communication, ethics, science writing and critical analysis of data Ð the perfect way to prepare for any future career.


Biomedical scientists work in healthcare to diagnose disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment through the analysis of fluids and tissue samples from patients.

They work at the heart of modern medicine, with 70% of diagnoses based on the pathology results provided by laboratory services.

After graduating you should be ideally qualified for positions in biomedical and pharmaceutical industries as well as hospitals and universities.