The course runs parallel to the MArch/Pg Diploma in Advanced Architectural Design. It shares the same curriculum so youÕll join students on this course in an exciting and challenging environment.

YouÕll develop skills in advanced design, analysis and architectural critique designing complex buildings in a variety of contexts and addressing social, cultural and environmental issues.

This course demands a high level of design ability and self-motivation.

YouÕll study

Year 1

The first year of study is centred on consolidating your architectural design skills.

YouÕll be introduced to the idea of architecture as a responsive solution to fundamental social issues.

You'll take a subject class in an area of expertise aligned to the research in the department and research and produce a dissertation on a topic of personal interest related to design.

Year 2

YouÕll undertake a significant architectural project on which you're required to take a standpoint on contemporary architectural issues. This is developed through a theme that reflects your own interests and creative ambitions and is supported by subject classes.

YouÕll also attend a taught course in professional studies and a series of guest lectures.

Students progressing from the Diploma to Masters undertake an additional semester of study to pursue an aspect of the thesis project to a greater level of detail.

Study trips provide opportunities for intensive examinations of the culture and built fabric in a variety of urban and rural locations both in the UK and overseas. Recent trips include Barcelona, Rome, Paris and Venice and the less familiar Gdansk, Toledo and Monte Caruso.

Study abroad

YouÕll have the opportunity to study abroad, subject to academic performance. The department has the most expansive international exchange programme in the UK. We've agreements with 22 institutions across Europe, Canada, the Far East and South America.



There are two fully-networked design studios; one dedicated to student self-study, the other to interactive design teaching.


In addition to the main University library, we have our own, on-site, reference library. Our collection is developed in direct response to the teaching delivered in the department.


A full range of hand and portable power tools are available (complete with instruction)