Computer science supports the build, development and use of computer systems.

There is a growing need across the world for skilled, advanced computer science professionals. This course helps you develop the skills necessary to design and deploy sophisticated modern software systems in a range of application areas.

YouÕll improve your practical software engineering skills and learn new theories of software development. This course gives you the necessary qualifications to get a skilled position in the computing industry.

Our courses have some of the highest student satisfaction rates in the UK and our graduates are highly sought after.

YouÕll study

Diploma and MSc students will study the following classes:

  • Software Architecture and Design
  • Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
  • Designing Usable Systems
  • Distributed Information Systems
  • Mobile Software and Applications
  • Personal Study
  • Research Methods

You can also take a tailored programme of options from our other Masters classes. This allows you to graduate with a degree in Advanced Computer Science. Those who progress to the Masters will undertake an individual project.

Individual project/dissertation (MSc students only)

YouÕll take on an individual research project on an approved topic related to your selected pathway. YouÕll pursue a specific interest in further depth, giving scope for original thought, research and technical presentation of complex ideas.