On this MSc youÕll benefit from the expertise of our leading researchers in evolutionary psychology, who have a particular interest in cultural evolution and language, social learning and Ômate choiceÕ. Our staff are also at the forefront of new developments in applying evolutionary principles to address real world issues.

Students interested in comparative approaches and animal behaviour will benefit from the knowledge of other members of our Behaviour and Evolution Research Group. Their world-leading research on behaviour and cognition in primates, dogs and elephants are being applied to real world problems, including conservation, human-animal interaction and animal welfare.

Under the research group's expert guidance, youÕll complete specialist modules, a research placement and a research project.Ê You can also take advantage of our on-site and overseas labs, field sites and links with industrial partners. For example, the University works closely with the Living Links to Human Evolution Research Centre at Edinburgh Zoo.

YouÕll be based in a dedicated MSc office, or within an appropriate research group, and be allocated a peer mentor. An academic supervisor in psychology will support and guide your development, including the research dissertation project. WeÕre here to encourage you to make the transition to become a fully independent research scientist.